
At CCIFS, we offer a Practical Training Programme/ Dissertation Project Work every six months, conducted either at our state-of-the-art Forensic Science Lab or authorized centers. This hands-on training provides students with valuable practical experience, allowing them to apply theoretical knowledge in a real-world forensic environment. The program is designed to enhance your skills, foster critical thinking, and prepare them for the challenges of forensic science practice. Students gain insights into the latest forensic techniques, technologies, and methodologies, contributing to their overall professional development.

Training Programme / Practical Course Names and Topics covered Seats Fee
Forensic Science 10 Seats 5,000 INR.
Questioned Document 10 Seats 5,000 INR.
Fingerprints 10 Seats 5,000 INR.
Forensic Biology 10 Seats 5,000 INR.
Forensic Anthropology 10 Seats 5,000 INR.
Forensic Psycology 10 Seats 5000 INR.